Achievements of the Institute

v Gold
medal awarded to Ms. Pragti Singh, M.Sc. (Mathematics) at DAVV
Convocation on March 2023.
v Ms.Ayushi
Verma and Ms.Jainab Khan: M.Sc. Mathematics secured V and VIII positions in the DAVV merit list in session 2021-22.
v Gold
medal awarded to Ms. Kamakshi Rao,
M.Sc. (Mathematics) at DAVV Convocation on 2021.
v Ms.Priyanka
Solanki Secured first position in DAVV merit list in session 2015-16.
v Himanshu
Agal,Deepali Mandloi, Rashmi Dhommne secured V, VI and IX position in DAVV
merit list in session 2015-16.
v Ms.
Anjali Kumawat, Ms.Amita Singwadiya secured V and VII position in DAVV merit
list in session 2014-15.
v Ms.Arti
Kushwah Secured first position in DAVV merit list in session 2013-14.
v Ms.Aafrin
Khan, Ms.Leena Soni, and Ms. Nikita Dubey secured IV, VI and IX position in
DAVV merit list in session 2013-14.
v Ms.Poonam
Rawat Secured VI position in DAVV merit list in session 2011-12.
v Ms.Bhumika
Gupta got first prize in inter college poetry competition held at
v Tushar
Goyal got first prize in state level inter college solo singing competition
held at Avantika University, Ujjain.
v Dr. Pradeep K. Joshi Authored 12 Books for M.Sc., M.Tech, B,Sc., and B.Tech
v Dr.PradeepK.Joshi
received Best Paper Presentation Award :14th International Conference “ Global
Advancement in Engineering, Management, Pharmacy and Science” organized by
Research India Foundation 19-20 January, 2019.
v Dr.
Amita Joshi received “Golden Falcon
International Award” in 30thMarch 2022 for outstanding
Achievements & Remarkable Role in the field of Education.
Dr. S.K. Bandi, Sr. Professor Delivered a Invited
Talk (Two Session) on “Mathematics, Cosmology, And Astronomy in Jaina Traditions."20th Biennial JAINA Convention July
4th to 7th, 2019 At Ontario Convention Centre, In Ontario, California,
Dr. S.K. Bandi, Sr. Professor Delivered a Invited Talk
In a Seminar on “ The Value Of Pi In Ancient
Indian Vedic And Jaina Texts " on 24 July, 2019 At North
Carolina University, USA.
AND ASTRONOMY IN JAINA TRADITIONS ( A Research Project ), Jñånasågara Science
Foundation, New Delhi Under SrutaSa´vardhana
Sansthåna, Meerut 2018.
Author of Book on “Integral Transforms
and its Application” for M. Sc. for Bhoj University.
v Author
of Book on “Spherical Trigonometry and Astronomy for M. Sc. for Bhoj University.