Indore, presently commercial capital of Madhya Pradesh was ruled by Maratha Holkar Rulers. Indore is largest education hub of centre India and has Cultural, Religious and architectural significance. Lal Baag Palace, Rajwada Chhatris, Bada Ganpati Temple, Kanch Mandir, Gandhi Hall are footprints of Architecture. Historical city is marching on path of becoming a smart city. Food loving crowd believes in continuous learning and evolution resulting in honouring Indore as the cleanest city in India for Year 2017.
IPS Academy is one of the Central India’s Largest Educational Hub-premises sprawled in 60 acres having 16 colleges and 71 multi disciplinary courses. Vision realized by Ar. Achal Choudhary is to be world class knowledge enterprise striving for academics and professional excellence in technical education, research, development and give services to the industry and society. As in a traditional hierarchy of all institutions under IPS society, IPS is a vast universe shining with in numerable educational extravaganzas.
School of Architecture, IPS Academy is pioneer institute working on principle of Knowledge, Skill and Values completing 25 glorifying years in 2019.Institute is expertise in organizing events, seminars and workshops for Practicing Architects, Planners, Academicians and Students of Architecture worldwide. Also having research aptitude by management, faculty members & students.
After grand success of Zonal NASA “Aetas” and Architectural Design workshop “Zeitgeist” we are heading towards another mega event. National Seminar “PACE-18” Planning Architecture, Construction and Engineering on 8th, 9th, 10th February 2018.